Happy Hour

So I should probably starting writing about more fun stuff, as this has been deemed my "Summer 'O Fun." JM and I had no idea what we were in for when we arrived at 230 Fifth. I was running late and arrived just in time to stand in line. I am finally past that stage where I wait in line but now I was curious, what was waiting for me on the 21st floor? :-) What characters in this place, definitely a scene. My favorite part, a stuffed Zebra. It was fun to check out ONCE, on a sunny day for the cool view. We are all suckers for a rooftop in Manhattan. Rumor is they will be serving Malaysian snack food by rising chef, Zak Pelaccio. So head over to 230 Fifth perched atop a random commercial wholesale building. Get there early. Best view of the night was the three dudes that smuggled in cans of Budweiser. :-)