Saturday, May 30, 2009

Hops... in honor of my completion of Green Medicine

Hops or Humulus Lupulus were also used medicinally for a number of ailments and continue to be today. They are used as a sleep aid,or a natural relaxant. Hops also work as a natural hygiene product, a skin astringent and hair softener (never waste an old beer, SHAMPOO with it!). We can't forget that hops are also a natural preservative (IPA!). Just a short note as I give a nod to my favorite plant, hops.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Bay to Breakers Beer Tour Weekend

Highlights of our visit to see Kevin and Tiffany and run Bay To Breakers include many beer related highlights:
Magnolia Pub and Brewery
21st Amendment Brewery
Bear Republic Brewing
Russian River Brewing Company- PLINY!
Lagunitas Brewing Company

We had a bit of fun at The Mystery Spot and The Petrified Forest too. :)

Sunday, May 03, 2009

A Half Marathon!