Wednesday, June 25, 2008


My new favorite song...

Monday, June 23, 2008

A Taste of Down Under

I volunteered with One Brick/Shaun for A Taste of Down Under event to benefit the MDA. I was designated photographer for part of the evening and for the rest of the evening drooling over the Cooper's table waiting until it was ok to drink as a volunteer. I don't know if it is my nostalgia for the boys of Adelaide or the beer itself but I love it! They were pouring the Original, Sparkling, Extra Stout and Vintage.

An old pic from my visit to Adelaide, good thing it's not the one from Boston, boys!

Monday, June 09, 2008

WinterCoat and Brooklyn Beer Guy on Hops

--- Forwarded Message ----
From: Wintercoat <>
Sent: Tuesday, June 3, 2008 2:47:34 AM
Subject: Re: English mail

Thank you, BBG, for taking the time to look us up and write us, and thanks for the lovely praise! Your comments on our hops shows that you know what you're about. Our hop profile IS different from most Danish and American microbreweries, as we try to avoid the strongly citrussy American hop varieties. Not that we don't like them - we do, and we use them in a couple of our beers where appropriate, mostly in small quantities - but just about every brewery out there uses them in noticeable ways. We prefer to have our own, unique hop profile, that we try to stick to as much as we can without distorting the character of a particular beer style. We try to make beers that are comfortable to drink - not sit-up-and-take-notice beers, but refreshing, pleasant ones that, once you're halfway down your first glass, you're looking forward to another of the same. That doesn't really apply so well to Double Hop in my case, as after one of them, I'm under the table! We use Northdown, Styrian Goldings and Hallertauer hops in Double Hop, as we do in most of our beers, in varying quantities.

Our US importer, B.United International, can probably give you information on where our beer is available nearest you. I just had another email from a customer in NY, who also had high praise for Double Hop. He drank it at The Waterfront Alehouse in Manhattan, mentioned a "keg", but since we have shipped Double Hop on both kegs and casks, I'm not sure which he actually drank.

Keep your eyes peeled - or ask B.United, for Double Hop in bottles. It's due to arrive on US shores around Labor Day, bottle-conditioned in ½-liter bottles.

If you're ever in Denmark, feel free to look us up.
Disa Fink


I wanted to say that I just tried your Double Hop IPA yesterday when I was visiting Washington DC and thought it was an superb and unique IPA. A very unique hop flavor, quite aromatic and fresh and really satisfying on a warm sunny afternoon.

I am from New York City (Brooklyn) and wanted to know if you are or intend to ship any casks our way. Would love to have that again and to try some of your other beers.
Thanks for making that a highlight of my trip!

Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Treating PTSD with Puppy TLC