Friday, July 20, 2007

Maybe I am not giving up ice cream... just yet

Saturday will be your chance to taste the unlikely blend of flavors of beer-and-doughnut as Ben & Jerry's unveils a special, one-time-only Homer Simpson-inspired ice cream flavor during the celebration of the Simpsons movie premier. The flavor, called Duff & D'oh-Nuts, is described by the company as a combination of chocolate and cream stout ice creams with glazed chocolate doughnuts!

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

My Life On Craft- My Rival?

Sort of joking with the rival comment as my beer blog has strayed from beer, and is mostly about beer, food, travel and anything I find interesting. Us beer gals need to stick together. Check out The primary focus for Mary is covering the New York City beer scene, events, bars, new brews, etc. She will also include her beer travel and anything relevant. See you at the tap!

Ultimate Beer Glass

Today, I was surprised with a box from The Boston Beer Company just before Shaun and I set off for our first official vacation/road trip together.

What was inside? (It's What's Inside used to refer to the beer inside the glass or bottle for those that remember that ad campaign for Sam Adams). Not one of, but two of the "perfect pint" glasses for Samuel Adams Boston Lager and because I was a subscriber of BA, I received this amazing gift.

Jim Koch decided he would find the perfect glass, the sole focus to maximize the flavor of Boston Lager. The turbulator releases flavors and aroma, the lip delivers flavor to the front of the tongue, the bowl collects aromas, the grip reduces heat transfer to hand, the walls maintain proper temperature and the nucleation sites create bubbles for constant aroma release.

Cheers to you Jim Koch!

Monday, July 09, 2007

The Farm on Adderly and Meet the Parents

On Sunday, we went to The Farm on Adderley for brunch with random couple friends? we met at a Home Brew party. We finally made it happen.

It's a cute, rustic place, that does not seem snobbish, but still remains a popular favorite. Food is local and delicious. The restaurant is on Cortelyou Road which seems to be the main drag in the area.

Ditmas Park is amazing. I had no idea this historic area existed. We got to quickly tour around the neigborhood to see all the free-standing Victorian homes built in the 1900s before we headed out to Long Island, where Shaun was going to meet my parents for the first time (or second if you count the mob drop off).

Thursday, July 05, 2007

Yum! Dumplings!

Dinner for two- $5! Hidden gem. Dumplings. Sesame Pancakes. More.