A Wienermobile Journey
In college during my sophomore year, I kept an article tacked to my wall, it would later become my obsession. The article was about the Hot Dogger program, the internship to drive the Oscar Mayer Wienermobile. I laugh at this because it is not something I would ever fathom indulging in today but then I saw it as my ticket to a job in the Promotions business. I thought if I got this internship, I could get any job that I wanted. So it became my obsession and part of many jokes with my suitemates especially since Alfred University had Hot Dog Day. The Wienermobile even came to visit in 2006 but I was in London. My best friend even saved me some Wiener Whistles. So Senior Year, Christine and I drove to Wegman's to get the kid's size Wiener Mobile off the display, we tied it to the top of the car, her station wagon and drove from Alfred, NY to Long Island. Then I loaded it in my parents mini-van for a trip back upstate to The Gunks where my cousin's husband and I would plot out my script and film my interview tape. It was at The Circle C where I had an Epiphany. Did I really want to drive a Hot Dog truck?! The dream had died.
So that leads me to today, when I saw, "My Salvation Has a First Name," a one woman show by Robin Gelfenbien at the NY Fringe Fest. It was hysterical, a delight, especially for me, since I once too shared the same dream as Robin. It was the story of her quest to get the position, her interview, her experience has a Hot Dogger and beyond. I very much appreciated this show.
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